Secure and non-secure display

The DIPLAY variable says the X-server where to display the graphics. It can be printed by command echo $DISPLAY at the UNIX command line.

The non-secure display address looks like yyyy:n.0 , where n is usually 0 and yyyy is the address of the terminal where you see the output of the database. For instance:

The secure display address looks similarly but n is greather than zero and yyyy is not the address of your terminal.

After ssh conection to the display is a secure one. Redefining it to a non-secure one can significantly speed up the graphics of Conquest. However, some firewalls discard non-secure graphics. If this is your case Conquest will not open its window after redefining the secure display.

Redefinition can be done by command setenv DISPLAY yyyy:0.0 (for tcsh users, this is default shell for or by command DISPLAY=yyyy:0.0; export DISPLAY (for bash users).